Laravel Eventbrite Api Wrapper
Eventbrite API wrapper for Laravel.
Truth can only be found in one place: the code.
Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Eventbrite API wrapper for Laravel.
If you want to write understandable, flexible and maintainable code, you need to know how bad code looks like first. In this post, I will discuss bad practices th...
Сomposer is awesome. It allows us to manage dependencies and required libraries for the application we are developing.
There are several types of indexes in PostgreSQL. Beginners or those who have little to do with the databases use the index that PostgreSQL creates by default (B-...
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Сomposer is awesome. It allows us to manage dependencies and required libraries for the application we are developing.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language after ES5 was standardized in 2009.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Eventbrite API wrapper for Laravel.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
I recently encountered the need to write a component on VueJs and I got a great pleasure learning and writing on it. And now I want to write this post and share ...
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
A little more than a week left for 2019. It’s time to write a list of goals for the next year.
In a previous post, we looked at principles to avoid when writing code. You can read it here. In this post, we will look at SOLID design principles, programming ...
Directly the coding process can can be roughly divided into the following steps: Thinking about the solution of the problem. Typing yo...
There are several types of indexes in PostgreSQL. Beginners or those who have little to do with the databases use the index that PostgreSQL creates by default (B-...
Maven template for automated testing with JUnit, Selenium and managing database state with DbUnit.
Maven template for automated testing with JUnit, Selenium and managing database state with DbUnit.
I recently encountered the need to write a component on VueJs and I got a great pleasure learning and writing on it. And now I want to write this post and share ...
Eventbrite API wrapper for Laravel.
I set myself the goal to update and improve my skills and knowledge in web development. In this post I’ll tell you what steps I’m doing for this and why should e...
In my work, I mainly use PHP 5.6 and 7.2. To learn more about the subject area, I decided to find out how the development of PHP was going from 5.0 to 7.2. ...
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
A little more than a week left for 2019. It’s time to write a list of goals for the next year.
I use PostgreSql a lot in my working time. So recently, I spent some time refreshing and deepening my knowledge of PostgreSQL to improve my...
There are several types of indexes in PostgreSQL. Beginners or those who have little to do with the databases use the index that PostgreSQL creates by default (B-...
In a previous post, we looked at principles to avoid when writing code. You can read it here. In this post, we will look at SOLID design principles, programming ...
If you want to write understandable, flexible and maintainable code, you need to know how bad code looks like first. In this post, I will discuss bad practices th...
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
Design patterns are guidelines for solving repetitive problems.
In my work, I mainly use PHP 5.6 and 7.2. To learn more about the subject area, I decided to find out how the development of PHP was going from 5.0 to 7.2. ...
I set myself the goal to update and improve my skills and knowledge in web development. In this post I’ll tell you what steps I’m doing for this and why should e...
In a previous post, we looked at principles to avoid when writing code. You can read it here. In this post, we will look at SOLID design principles, programming ...
I use PostgreSql a lot in my working time. So recently, I spent some time refreshing and deepening my knowledge of PostgreSQL to improve my...
SQL injection is one of the most accessible ways to hack a site. The essence of such injections is the injection of arbitrary SQL code int...
SQL injection is one of the most accessible ways to hack a site. The essence of such injections is the injection of arbitrary SQL code int...
If you want to write understandable, flexible and maintainable code, you need to know how bad code looks like first. In this post, I will discuss bad practices th...
Maven template for automated testing with JUnit, Selenium and managing database state with DbUnit.
I set myself the goal to update and improve my skills and knowledge in web development. In this post I’ll tell you what steps I’m doing for this and why should e...
Directly the coding process can can be roughly divided into the following steps: Thinking about the solution of the problem. Typing yo...
I recently encountered the need to write a component on VueJs and I got a great pleasure learning and writing on it. And now I want to write this post and share ...
In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essenti...
A well-written project is more stable, easier to maintain, more enjoyable to work with. In the following post, we will discuss some best practices that will allow...
Performance and fast response of the web and mobile applications largely depend on the quality of writing SQL queries. For most of the junior developers with who...
Are you tired of slow API responses and sluggish database queries in your Laravel application? Do you wish you could sprinkle some magic d...
Some people like to work in silence, whereas others prefer background music. Some kinds of background music are particularly good for our work output.
In a single HTML document possible that some CSS rules will conflict with one another. CSS uses a mechanism called the cascade to resolve any such conflicts.
CSS selector is the part of a CSS rule set that actually selects the content you want to style. Let’s look at all the different kinds of selectors
In a single HTML document possible that some CSS rules will conflict with one another. CSS uses a mechanism called the cascade to resolve any such conflicts.
In a single HTML document possible that some CSS rules will conflict with one another. CSS uses a mechanism called the cascade to resolve any such conflicts.
CSS selector is the part of a CSS rule set that actually selects the content you want to style. Let’s look at all the different kinds of selectors
Maven template for automated testing with JUnit, Selenium and managing database state with DbUnit.
In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essenti...
ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language after ES5 was standardized in 2009.
In a single HTML document possible that some CSS rules will conflict with one another. CSS uses a mechanism called the cascade to resolve any such conflicts.
CSS selector is the part of a CSS rule set that actually selects the content you want to style. Let’s look at all the different kinds of selectors
Are you tired of slow API responses and sluggish database queries in your Laravel application? Do you wish you could sprinkle some magic d...
In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essenti...
In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essenti...
Code editor keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. They can replace several operations with just one.
ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language after ES5 was standardized in 2009.
Code editor keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. They can replace several operations with just one.
ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, is a significant update to the language, and the first update to the language after ES5 was standardized in 2009.
Are you tired of slow API responses and sluggish database queries in your Laravel application? Do you wish you could sprinkle some magic d...
Some people like to work in silence, whereas others prefer background music. Some kinds of background music are particularly good for our work output.
Are you tired of slow API responses and sluggish database queries in your Laravel application? Do you wish you could sprinkle some magic d...
In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essenti...
I use PostgreSql a lot in my working time. So recently, I spent some time refreshing and deepening my knowledge of PostgreSQL to improve my...
Code editor keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. They can replace several operations with just one.
Code editor keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. They can replace several operations with just one.
A well-written project is more stable, easier to maintain, more enjoyable to work with. In the following post, we will discuss some best practices that will allow...
Performance and fast response of the web and mobile applications largely depend on the quality of writing SQL queries. For most of the junior developers with who...
Performance and fast response of the web and mobile applications largely depend on the quality of writing SQL queries. For most of the junior developers with who...
Maven template for automated testing with JUnit, Selenium and managing database state with DbUnit.