I recently encountered the need to write a component on VueJs and I got a great pleasure learning and writing on it. And now I want to write this post and share some of the reasons I think people should give VueJs a try!

Official website of VueJs
Official website of VueJs


Here I will briefly describe the advantages that you can not overlook if you write code on VueJs


Due to the simplicity of its architecture and API, it’s very easy to learn and develop applications. In order to write your first non-trivial application on VueJs, you need to know only HTML and JS, without having to know anything about JSX, ES.

A wide variety of uses

VueJs is a progressive javascript framework. It integrates seamlessly with existing applications and this is amazing. You don’t need to rewrite the entire frontend code, you can gradually integrate VueJs components. For more complex projects, you can use vuex, which is perfect for state management and routing.

Detailed documentation

VueJs has a very detailed documentation with many examples. Thanks to this, developers with basic knowledge of html and js can write a simple application in less than one day. And this one of the reasons why the community is growing rapidly.


One of the greatest advantages of VueJs is flexibility. It allows you to write your template in HTML file, JS file, or pure JS file using virtual nodes.


Vue.js is predominantly used for building user interfaces and this is achieved by a library that does not have any influence from the frameworks out there already. Supporting libraries like router (for routing) and vuex (which is a flux-inspired library for state management) are integrated with Vue.


  • VueJs is a modern progressive framework
  • MVVM architecture
  • Simple and flexible
  • Detailed documentation
  • Easy to learn and understand
  • It’s enjoyable!