In the ever-evolving world of web development and domain management, a seamless integration with domain registrars like GoDaddy is essential. GoDaddy offers a powerful API that allows developers to interact with their system programmatically, providing a wide range of functionalities, from managing domains to handling accounts and performing domain-related tasks.

However, working directly with APIs can sometimes be challenging. To simplify the process, I’ve developed a PHP wrapper for the GoDaddy API. In this article, I’ll introduce you to this GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper, explain how to use it, and highlight its key features.

Getting Started

Creating API Key

Before diving into the wrapper, you’ll need to create API keys and secrets by following the instructions provided in the GoDaddy API Documentation. This step ensures you have the necessary credentials to access GoDaddy’s API.


GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper can be easily installed via Composer, a widely used PHP dependency manager. I’ve made the installation process simple and hassle-free. Just run the following command in your project directory:

composer require your-namespace/godaddy-api-wrapper

If you don’t have Composer installed, you can download it here.

Using the Wrapper

Once you’ve installed the wrapper, including it in your PHP script is straightforward. Simply add the following line to your script:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

This line ensures the autoloading of necessary dependencies.


To start using the wrapper, initialize it with your API key and secret for either the test or production environment. We offer an easy way to switch between environments by setting the isProduction flag.

// Initialize the GoDaddyAPI with your API Key and Secret for the test environment
$apiKey = 'your-test-api-key';
$apiSecret = 'your-test-api-secret';

// Set the isProduction flag to false to use the test environment
$isProduction = false;

// Create an instance of GoDaddyAPI for the test environment
$goDaddyAPI = new \GoDaddyAPI\GoDaddyAPI($apiKey, $apiSecret, $isProduction);

With this setup, you’re ready to make use of the wrapper for various GoDaddy API endpoints.

Key Features

GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper comes with a range of key features, making it a valuable tool for developers. Here are some of the highlights:

Access to Various API Endpoints

The wrapper provides access to different API endpoints such as Abuse, Aftermarket, Agreements, Certificates, Countries, Domains, Orders, Parking, Shoppers, and Subscriptions. These endpoints allow users to perform specific actions like domain registration, certificate management, and more.

Here’s an example of how to use the Domains endpoint to list all domains associated with your account:

$domains = $goDaddyAPI->domains()->listDomains();


Wrapper allows users to configure the base URL for either the production or test environment. This flexibility is vital for users who need to switch between these environments seamlessly. You can easily switch between environments by changing the isProduction flag during initialization.


In conclusion, the GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper simplifies working with the GoDaddy API, making domain management and integration into your web applications more straightforward. With this wrapper, developers can harness the power of GoDaddy’s API while benefiting from easy installation and clear documentation.

By offering a quick setup process and the ability to work in both production and test environments, GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper is a valuable tool for anyone looking to leverage the capabilities of GoDaddy’s domain management services.


GoDaddy API PHP Wrapper is open source and available for use in your projects. It is released under MIT. You can find the full details in the project’s GitHub repository.